Join us this Friday, September 6, 7-9PM to celebrate our interns!

I’m Tracy, API Equality – Northern California’s Community Organizer.

Three summers ago, I was a part of the first intern class. As a queer Vietnamese woman, this leadership development opportunity meant I got to envision for myself what it would be like to live in a world where I was my true self. Everyday, I went to work and challenged myself to think outside of the box and dared to navigate the spaces that were the scariest to be in. Engaging with API Equality – Northern California staff, volunteers, and community members affirmed my multi-faceted identities and allowed me to be brave.

Throughout the years after my internship, I witnessed each intern class embark on 8-10 weeks of the same journey. Each intern not only reminds me of how invaluable this unique experience was, but showed me in different ways what being empowered, whole, and true look like. If you want to understand the true impact of investing LGBTQ API leadership – come see for yourself.

We’re celebrating our interns this summer on Friday, September 6th @ 7PM. 

Special guest performances by Irene Tu and Fong Batman Tran.




Click here to RSVP!