Image description: a group of ~20 masked Trans & Queer API people pose together for a selfie
Image description: a group of ~20 masked Trans & Queer API people pose together for a selfie

Now I know I belong, and I know you do too 💜

Reflecting On Our “Care Not Cops” Campaign

This spring, LavNix launched a new budget advocacy campaign: Care Not Cops! We organized actions, petitioned elected officials, & led public education in the city of San Francisco to demand the redirection of $400M from the SFPD budget back to care for our people. We mobilized over 150 of our members between April & June alongside seven local partner organizations (APTP, Senior & Disability Action, DPH Must Divest, TGIJP, Ella Baker Center, SFCHRP, & SF Rising) to make our demands known to SF officials.

While Mayor Breed published a final budget that once again stripped public resources & over-funded the police, we recognize that our fight is far from over. As we continue to mobilize for safety, justice, & liberation for our people, we know it is essential to grow powerful & connected leaders who are rooted in transformative organizing principles. As we reflected on our campaign this past month, our members shared:

“It was really beautiful how receptive people were to our campaign, especially in June when we were connecting with folks from other organizations!”

– amulya (Community Safety Committee Team Member)

“[We] modeled leading the way to influence other organizers to strengthen community as a pillar of activism instead of just on the side lines. [We were] modeling sustainability over urgency.”

– Juliet (Healing Justice Committee Member)
Image description: a group of ~20 masked Trans & Queer API people pose together for a selfie
Image description: a group of ~20 masked Trans & Queer API people pose together for a selfie

“I feel excited about this phase of growth LavNix is going through. This is the first public campaign we’re running as an organization & we’re learning so much & setting ambitious vision for the change we want to see. It was hopeful to reflect on the challenges and the possibilities as we continue to fight for community safety & liberation!”

 – June (Abundance Committee Member)

Our members gathered in Oakland’s Snow Park in July to celebrate one another after an intensive season for our campaign. June shared,  It was so nice to connect with members across committees. It was a special opportunity to build with folks who I don’t get to see that much outside of my committee. Being able to hear about everyone’s different experiences in the committees & programs, I was really proud to be part of this organization.”

Queer Justice Leadership Exchange Reflections by Amaya

Image description: Amaya, a Trans API person, smiles with an image of a dog in the background
Image description: Amaya, a Trans API person, smiles with an image of a dog in the background

At Lavender Phoenix, leadership development is the central cog our work revolves around. This year, we are held our 10th cohort of our Queer Justice Leadership Exchange Program (AKA LEX) & our 15th cohort of our Summer Organizer Program (aka SOP)! We’re excited to share reflections from Amaya, an Abundance Committee member who joined LEX for the first time this summer.

I came into LEX with a lot of curiosity and at least a little nervousness. Was I ready? My organizing had taken place primarily in the context of school board policy and municipal elections & I worried I wasn’t radical enough for the space.I learned I was ready after all. LEX rooted me in QTAPI history, values, and contemporary communities that I could see myself in. Now I know I belong, and I know you do, too. I leave LEX feeling better equipped to create & participate in inclusive movements that mean something.

I learned I was ready after all. LEX rooted me in QTAPI history, values, and contemporary communities that I could see myself in. Now I know I belong, and I know you do, too. I leave LEX feeling better equipped to create & participate in inclusive movements that mean something.

Celebrating LavNix’s 15th Summer Organizer Cohort

Image Description: Trans and Queer APIs wearing masks hold banner that reads "we have always EXISTED, we have always BELONGED" as they lead Trans March API contingent
Image Description: Trans and Queer APIs wearing masks hold banner that reads “we have always EXISTED, we have always BELONGED” as they lead Trans March API contingent

LavNix is SO proud of our newest cohort of Summer Organizers! This group of seven young Trans & Queer API organizers brought their whole selves to our program to take on collaborative projects and lean into LavNix values together.  This summer, we marched together, shared our stories with another, grew new skills together, practiced transforming our values from scarcity to abundance through our fundraising, & more! Watch these videos from a couple of our organizers sharing about LavNix values they are leaning into here:

Image description: young queer API person highlighted in green smiles, with white text "SUMMER ORGANIZER PROGRAM !" and "SUSTAIN THE FLAMES OF CHANGE" over their image
Image description: young queer API person highlighted in green smiles, with white text “SUMMER ORGANIZER PROGRAM !” and “SUSTAIN THE FLAMES OF CHANGE” over their image
Image description: young queer API person highlighted in green smiles, with white text "SUMMER ORGANIZER PROGRAM !" and "SUSTAIN THE FLAMES OF CHANGE" over their image
Image description: young queer API person highlighted in green smiles, with white text “SUMMER ORGANIZER PROGRAM !” and “SUSTAIN THE FLAMES OF CHANGE” over their image

Let’s nurture the next 20 years together

This year, Lavender Phoenix is celebrating 20 years of building queer and trans API power. We need supporters like 🌱YOU 🌱to help us Sustain the Flames of Change for the 20 years ahead! You can support us to reach our goal of raising $50,000 from individual grassroots donors by August 24th!

📋 SIGNING UP to be part of our volunteer fundraising team and attending our last online fundraising training on August 22nd! All experience levels are welcome 😄

💸DONATING to our grassroots fundraising campaign, and sharing the campaign with your networks 

🥳 CELEBRATING 20 years of Trans, Non-binary & Queer API community building with us at Light the Way, LavNix’s 20th Anniversary Party on Saturday 8/24!! RSVP by 8/16